Recruitment of 15 young people, under the age of 30, to carry out research work at IMDEA Water Foundation within the framework of the Investigo Programme of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union-NextGenerationEU.

IMDEA Water is a non-profit research Institute, promoted by the Regional Government of Madrid, to carry out research in water technologies. This Institute is part of the IMDEA network, the institutional framework that combines support from both the public and private sectors and harmonizes research with market demand, strengthening the presence of the private sector in science.

It complies with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


Contracts funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU, through the ‘Investigo Programme’, in the framework of the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

IMDEA Water Foundation is calling for 14 research assistant positions and 1 technical support staff position to hire young people, under 30 years of age, qualified to carry out research projects, facilitating their employment in the public sector in order to contribute to increase the competitiveness of research and innovation.

These contracts will be carried out in compliance with the IMDEA Water Foundation's Equality Plan (2022 - 2025), which defines among the main areas of intervention the selection, recruitment, training and professional promotion (area 2) and the co-responsible exercise of the rights of personal, family and working life (area 5).


Candidates must meet the following requirements:

- Hold the academic qualifications indicated in the ‘profile requested’, depending on the position for which they are applying, and which are described in the table below. (In the case of being in possession of a foreign academic qualification, you must have the corresponding credential of homologation to the equivalent qualification in Spain, issued by the competent body for the recognition of foreign educational qualifications and diplomas in the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training).

- They must not have reached the age of 30 at the start of the contractual relationship (foreseen on 17 September 2024).

- The persons must be registered as unemployed job seekers in one of the employment offices of the Community of Madrid at the time the contractual relationship begins (scheduled for 17 September 2024).

Candidates must submit the following documentation:

- Academic transcripts of all qualifications required for the positions for which they are applying. If you have two different transcript documents, attach one in the field ‘Official academic transcripts’ and the other in the field ‘Other documents’.

- Blind CV (in Spanish or English). The CV must be attached using the Institute IMDEA Water blind CV template. CVs in any other format will not be accepted.

- Cover letter (in Spanish or English) presenting your candidature and merits and including your personal motivation.

MANDATORY: include in the heading of the letter the code of the position for which you are applying.

If you wish to apply for more than one position (ONLY A MAXIMUM OF 2 POSITIONS MAY BE SELECTED) you must indicate the code of the position or the two codes of the two positions for which you are applying.

If you are sufficiently qualified and there is availability in another position, you may be offered a place in that position.

Selection Criteria
  • Academic record
  • Blind CV
  • Job suitability

Employment contract full-time: 37.5 hours/week

Annual gross salary: 24 000€ for Research Assistant. 19 000€ for Technical support staff.

Approximate incorporation date: September, 2024

Recruitment modality: Contract for scientific-technical activities under article 23-bis of Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation. A period of 1 year is foreseen for the performance of the work covered by the contract.


IMDEA Water Foundation. Avda. Punto Com nº 2 - 28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid



Final decisions will be personally communicated by e-mail to all candidates