Research assistant: “Evaluation of micronanoplastic (MNPs) interaction with antibiotic resistance bacteria (ARBs) and genes (ARGs) in wastewaters”

IMDEA Water is a non-profit research Institute, promoted by the Regional Government of Madrid, to carry out research in water technologies. This Institute is part of the IMDEA network, the institutional framework that combines support from both the public and private sectors and harmonizes research with market demand, strengthening the presence of the private sector in science.

It complies with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


This call is for hiring a Research Assistant to support in EMERGING project “Plastisphere in urban wastewaters: Membrane based hybrid systems for water reuse and sludge recycling”. Grant PID2022-143233OB-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF, EU, which is scheduled for completion in 31/08/2027. 

The work to be performed will be focused on research on: 

  • Generation and characterization of environmental like MNP standards. 
  • Characterization of MNP standards by mFTIR. 
  • Interaction studies between MNPs, ARBs and ARGs: plastisphere behaviour in wastewaters. 
  • Sample treatment for the identification and quantification of MNPs and ARB/ARGs. 
  • Water reuse and sludge recycling in lettuce. 
  • Support the data analysis of the experimental results obtained.
  • Participation in dissemination activities.

Candidates must meet the following requirement:

  • Hold a Bachelor's degree, or Graduate with a Master's degree, in Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Biology and/or related fields, or a degree in Chemical Engineering/Environmental Engineering. EQF Level 7 (MECES 3)

Candidates must present the following information:

  • Curriculum Vitae (in Spanish or English). The CV must be attached using the IMDEA Water template. CVs in any other format will not be accepted
  • Cover letter (Spanish or English) presenting her/his candidacy and merits, and including her/his personal motivation.
Selection Criteria
  • Experience in laboratory work handling plastics, MNPs, liquid nitrogen or carbonic snow.
  • Experience in the pretreatment of wastewater and sludge  samples containing MNPs, ARG o ARB.
  • Microbiology laboratory experience woking with urban wastewater and activated sludge.
  • Experience in water reuse and sludge recycling in agriculture.
  • Experience in data analysis and writing reports.
  • Those candidates with the best profile may be summoned for an interview.

Employment contract full-time: 37.5 hours/week

Annual gross salary: 21,500 €

Aproximate incorporation date: May, 2024

Recruitment modality: contract for scientific-technical activities of article 23-bis of Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation.

A period of 2 years is foreseen for the performance of the work covered by the contract.


IMDEA Water Foundation. Avda. Punto Com nº 2 - 28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid



Final decisions will be personally communicated by e-mail to all candidates